Executives in
40 countries

About us
Emotions City is the leading center for Emotional Intelligence for Africans
Spearheading transformative initiatives, we are the executive producer of the first and internationally recognized award-winning documentary on Emotional Intelligence at the World Film Carnival in Singapore. Our reach extends across three continents, spanning 40 countries, where we have equipped over 100,000 executives with the tools to master Emotional Intelligence for personal and professional advancement.
Founded by Oyinkansola Alabi, popularly recognized as The Emotions Doctor, a global productivity enhancement
and life validation strategist, her leadership has guided Emotions City to its zenith, inspiring transformation and
growth in high net-worth executives and blue-chip companies.
“Emotions City is not just an Academy, we are an encounter, a unique journey of life.”
Who we are
Executive producer of a documentary on Emotional Intelligence that has won 5 Global awards.
k +
Trained Executives
Certified Specialists
Global Healing Center
Rated training
We are
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Dr. Sam Adeyemi
Having 2 or 3 people you can be vulnerable with and that can encourage you is important for your emotional and spiritual health. If you don’t have them already, prayerfully look around at work, church, etc. If you feel overwhelmed, talk to a therapist E.g @EmotionsDoctor.

So much for championing the EI gospel. Your book soul stripping spa, your YouTube videos (especially) have contributed immensely to how stable I have become emotionally. Thank you for always giving back. I pray God continues to keep you in good health to do all you do.

Dr. Diana Kenoly
Happiest of Birthdays to the one who sits on my behalf in sessions so that I can have a safe place to return home to a better version of myself regardless of what continent I have traveled to. The one who gently reminds me to always do the work and to own it as my best work. We don't take for granted your contribution to humanity. We have come to say THANK YOU for the indelible marks you leave in us as you challenge us to become better humans.

I can categorically state that the Book Soul Stripper is a life changer. Every chapter was really empowering for me but the Egg and ball principle, put on some real light bulb moments.

I have this amazing planner. I can’t wait to read and digest it.

Will be booking for another 4 sessions next year according to her every session with me helps her unearth so much about herself and it always opens up a new awareness to her. She also said she is glad she came to Emotions City for therapy because her Canadian therapist was not connecting with her and she was also not connecting with her, as she was more confused working with her. No more suicidal ideation. She now enjoys life and just wants to live every day.

Greetings, I am Adrienne from Madasgascar. I was doing the French simultaneous interpretation of your presentation during the viafest. I really loved the tools you shared and I want thank you in a special way.

I went through the book just to have an idea of what the book is about and I must say its exactly what I need for this year and my personal healing and growth. I am already doing a lot of introspection to begin the planner. Thank you so so so much, you don’t know what this means to me.

This is extremely beautiful and inspiring. Been writing and cancelling what to say. Never been in doubt of the grace you carry, exhumed and your capabilities. The lives you’ve touched and continue to touch will definitely spread the gospel of Emotional Intelligence and ensure the spread of this movement to nations. So proud of you, esteemed ED. Accept my congratulations for allowing yourself to be used both for the church and humanity. You’ll definitely hear from me soon. Thanks for sharing your joy with us. Appreciate it so much.

I love you with all my heart. You don’t understand how much of an impact you’ve had on me! I’m better person and I continue to grow each time I read your posts! Much love from Germany.

I thank God for the day our paths crossed. Discovering EQ has been life-changing. It has given my life meaning. Whenever I talk to people about it, I feel so fulfilled and happy.